Hi Farkas,

Are you crazy? ;-) This is totally my thing, sounds great, he, he, indeed a bit of Depeche Mode feeling here but that's totally fine, I love this jam. Nicely done! What I admire is that you are able to cover "several areas of music styles" and that capability shines through here. I am glad this time it ain't Techno ;-)

It's also nice you remembered that I mentioned the Behringer VC340, coincidentally I was thinking last night about that one again. After this jam, I am going to put up the priority of the VC340 in my wish list, slowly it's about time. One other thing I like to consider/get before I go for the VC340, which is the drum synthesizer Drum 3P from Clavia Nord. Any chance you got that one and can demo it in one of your jams? ;-)

The usage, near the end of the jam, of the VC340 is very nice, very subtle, great! :-) Gives me a good appetite for this vocoder.

Thank you very much for this great jam, I hope to hear more from your vocoder and kind regards, Garfield.

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