ModularGrid Rack

Hi all,
I'm a couple of months into my modular journey and having a lot of fun. I've been making electronic music for about 25 years, and going modular has really changed up how I'm approaching it. Much more tactile than a mouse!

This is my RackBrute plan, which I'm 8 modules into completing. Currently have Knit, Pluck, Euclid, Clep, Disting, Penrose, Quant Gemi, and the C4rbn. It's paired with a Minibrute 2s which is a godsend with it's switchable sequencer tracks, and I have an external Mackie mixer that's seeming to be doing ok padding the high gain from the direct outs of Plaits and Pluck. It also has 2 sends, which I have a Zoom studio delay, and EXH Cathedral reverb on. All this comes into Ableton Live for recording and layering, and also adding drums until the BIA fills that space.

Some really nice experiments so far include using Disting as an adder, and taking Clep's randomness, adding to a main sequence from the Minibrute, quantizing it with Penrose, sending to Pluck with the Euclid as a gate (also have combined this with gate from Penrose as notes change). Creates nice random shifting melodic top lines.

I was thinking 3 sound sources was not many for the HP, but then realised today that Tides can be an oscillator. The C4RBN has self-oscillation and v/o. Also there's the Minibrute voice (and the Disting can also be a sampler or oscillator, too!), so I guess it's 6 which is enough if I want to push it.

A question I have is: is the A-135-2 a reasonable solution for sub-mixing? The Mackie mixer has lots of ins, but I'm wondering if I can for example, sum Pluck and Plaits, and get them coming through a single out, to feed to Arhbar, or the C4rbn filter, perhaps modulating this level with CV? Or am I completely off the mark as to what that module is for?

I've also noted that it's quite nice to have a little space between modules, which I've totally not accounted for in my plan. What, if anything, could go to create some wiggle-room?

Any other feedback much welcome!

Cheers! Happy patching :)