To take a step back... what is it that you're hoping to achieve by expanding into Eurorack. You mentioned your Minibrute 2S. Are you looking to build on that semi-modular synth? From the modules I'm looking at, you've added a few that are popular in discussions. But I'm not noticing anything that feels like you're trying to build something with a purpose.

I don't want to tell you to do this or do that without a little more information. Talk it out. Do some soul searching. Are you at the point now where you want to explore? Is the MiniBrute meant to be the foundation or your system or just a convenient stepping off point? Don't feel intimidated or afraid to say "I don't know". "I don't know" really means "I don't know yet." Don't be afraid of that.

What do you want to get out of physically patching synth modules that you're not going to get out of a DAW or traditional self-contained synth?