Hi all!

Im ready for another round of feedback, so here is a little pre-info

Goals with modular:
-im after generes like techno, but also ambient and experimental noises. Flirting with more drones, but not sure im ready to commit to one genre..
-Im becoming increasingly aware of how much I like to play live, so ideally I would chose modules that are good for playing live... I have to do more research on this, any leads and tips for chosing modules are deeply appreciated.

Final mixing done outside the rack; using a DFAM and analog rytm for drums. Im ready to expand my case with more HP but I absolutely need a solid setup in 208 Hp so I can travel with it.

Does this make sense? I find it difficult to decide what I need before I have actually used modules.. so any experienced feedback if this would make sense would be great.

More oscillators? More utilities? I dont have a lot of filters.. but I find the odessa can easily go without a filter. Let me know if u think I have enough mixing/attenuation, i fear im short of attenuators...?
sequencer tips for live? metropolis..or any replacement for that? I have to say for now the pico seq is great and I havent started using the ladik but if uve got a better idea, let me know.

Thanks so much to everyone!