Doepfer A-150 Dual VCS ist my latest purchase. Anyone using this?

It's one of those generic modules that get little attention because they have no sexy sound or features going for them. At 55 EUR new, there's little to be lost so I just got one. All it really is is a switch that connects one Input with one of two outputs (or two inputs with one output as it is bi-directional, x 2 units). The switch is voltage controlled. That seems more trivial than inspiring. In fact I had no real clue what to do with it until I started patching. Then it turned out to be a real swiss army knife utility kind of thing. Switching the flow between different parts of your patch at low rates is the obvious application that comes to mind. Since it can do audio rates too, you can do things like switching between two different wave types of a VCO or outputs of a VCF, for example. That makes it a wave shaper / wave composer when operated at VCO frequency. Connect a VCO and patch the two outs into clock divider and get alternating sub-octaves. Feed it pitch control CV from sequencer and modulate your switching audio streams with a melody, there's your VCO... I'm only scratching the surface here.

Which makes me think: When I view some fancy complex oscillator or multifunction module as a hi-tech bucky ball, primitive modules like the A-150 ar more like atoms. While on their own they seem to accomplish little but they are so universal in their application that you find new uses all the time. Your thoughts on this?