
I'm John Noble, and modular synths changed my life. I run The Eurorack Database ( http://eurorackdb.com ), the Fully Patched Music series of modular/experimental/analog music events in the San Diego area ( https://www.facebook.com/fullypatchedmusic ), I make some custom synth stuff like modules and cases, and I perform & record solo with my Eurorack modular as "prettyhowtown" ( http://aprettyhowtown.bandcamp.com/ ) and as a member of a couple of other projects. I also seem to have turned into a festival promoter. Life is getting really weird, and I like it that way. :-)

I've been working with Solitud since shortly after the launch of ModularGrid (my site supplies a data feed), and I really admire his talent, persistence, and attitude. He's a treasure. His music is really good, too: check it out! https://soundcloud.com/solitud