This is an interesting point, before deciding to start building a modular synth I wanted to integrate the Neutron into the setup but I thought that starting from the basics it could help me learn a lot more (also if costs much more).
I might also consider integrating the neutron directly into the eurorack and adding a few more modules to further customize the sound, even to get started with the modular system. In this case though, what other modules could I add to create something interesting?

About the spaces I knew I had made many mistakes but this is the first draft, not knowing the brands and models well I trusted a few reviews and guides (for the wasp filter and for adsr for example).

As for the question what I would like to add to my sound, I cannot answer because so far I have experimented a lot only on ableton and with the digitone (I will add the Analog Rytm for the drums), in short, the goal would be to start producing everything out of daw, or almost.

Other questions:
- Can I use the A-138o also as an attenuator before the befaco output?
- Why I need also an attenuator for input? In this system I have only midi as input signal, I'm probably wrong but I want to understand.
- On the Digitone or Octatrack you can sequence multiple tracks so what can I use to split my midis into cv?