Made some more changes. Removed another Mother-32, down to just one now. My plans have definitely changed quite a bit since my original inception, but I think in it's current state, it is highly functional, and I shouldn't be losing much by removing the second Mother. Added a Maths, because everyone and their dog has been telling me to add a Maths. It is going to take me forever to figure that one out (I watched a few videos and I'm still just as confused haha). Also added an MI Edges and the upcoming Rings. The Rings sounds fantastic, and perfectly inline with many of my other modules, and I figured by adding the Edges, I'll be getting a lot more flexibility. Besides, chiptune is fun! Replaced my Outs and Attenuator with an Intellijel Audio Interface 2, gaining a nice input for if I want to integrate samples or one of my other standalone synths into the module (I may end up just running and output from my main studio mixer into it). Switched the oscilloscope back to the Data unit, as it's much nicer. I have everything either on it's way to me now, or ordered/preordered, with the exception of the mother-32, drone commander, clouds, rings and dixie 2+ (as they are all out of stock/not released yet).
-- aeonblack

I'll totally do the same changes! Haha I think we have the same logic when comes to modular. I also had a MATHS planned, and confused,too!
If I were you, I might add more mults, just in case you want to split more CVs or clocks.
Here is mine plan, I don't have as big budget as yours :-), hope you can shine some light on it:
ModularGrid Rack
-- Vinnie_Lee

Yes, I actually had the same thoughts regarding mults, but, for now I want to see where I end up with what I've got, I may not end up using it that much right away. But, I'm sure I'll find out very quickly if I need more of anything hah. You've got a nice little setup there! Any particular reason you went with two "vintage" styled oscillators? If you're not opposed to dsp over analog, there really are some fantastic sounds to be had with some of the digital stuff (I'm clearly a Mutable fanboy though, so take that with a grain of salt haha). Still, you might want to add a little variety? You might want to also consider something smaller than the Dubmix in favour of gaining some extra rack space? It IS an awesome unit (had it in my rack until I realized I need to make more space), but especially in a smaller rack, all that space is precious.