Plus, using an external drum machine (or two) is much more "idiomatic" to techno. Even new styles can have "performance practice" aspects, you know...they're not just for Early Music these days.

The ONLY things I would have different in this version is that I'd yank the rightmost buffered mult and adder on row #2 so that you can put the Qx back in for the Quadrax, and the extra 1 hp can go back at either end for one of those Konstant Labs PWRcheckrs. If you need a mult at the right side, just shift the Links over there where the adder/buff pair is currently. Another potential change might be to remove the Kinks in the bottom row, since the one above it makes that redundant...this would then give you 8 more hp, not four...and I can think of something crazy-useful utility-wise that fits in 6: SSF's Tool-Box. Tons of useful circuits hiding in there... Then, as the cherry on the clocking cake here, put the Adventure Audio Count in that leftover 2 hp, which then gives you clockpulse counting, and this can be used with the Plog and others to fire off "conditional" gate pulses for events which need to happen on a specific beat, such as an accented note, etc.

Other than those easy swaps, it's looking like it might be time to dust off the Magic Plastic...