Hi The-Erc,

If you are willing to spend one-third of a HP per EG more, i.e. 2.67 HP/EG than consider the Triple AD from Hikari Instruments, I love that module. It can go from slow to fast ADs. If I remember well that if you don't use the first two ADs but only the third one (and you switch on both other unused ADs) those non-used-ADs are then normalised to the last AD; not 100% sure, since the manual is a bit limited but even using them as separate ADs, I love to use them, clear, easy, direct usages, 2.67hp/EG, what do you want more? ;-)

It might be a bit difficult to get one; I was lucky to get one during my last year's holiday in Japan.

Or, depending on how you are looking at it, the Doepfer - A-141-4 Quad ADSR; if you don't mind the same setting for all four ADSRs ;-) Then it's at 2 HP/EG. I know, this module is more meant for polyphonic approaches but you could misuse it, if you would like to :-)

Or the Erica Synths - Pico VC EG at 3 HP? If Pico modules is your cup of tea that is. It comes including loop functionality.
Or the Erica Synths - Pico Modulator at 3 HP which is an EG + VCA! So 1.5 HP per functionality ;-)

Then again, I think you shouldn't look too much into modules that deliver too much functionality on a too small HP surface, sooner or later that might go either on your nerves or if not at least in less comfortable user interface usage. Sometimes a single or a dual functionality on a full blown HP surface is still the best approach and gives you full functionality of everything you (might) need. Naturally, up to you to decide which way to go :-)

Kind regards, Garfield.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads