Bigger cab, for starters. This is a pretty good start, but if you want to get REALLY deep into generative, you're going to have to go way further in.

Example: you've got a neat stochastic sequencing setup there. But you DON'T have any logic, no comparators, no mix/maxes, etc etc to work with its timing signals. So while there's some good options for generative sounds, this isn't even close to where it could go as far as generative processes can take it. By adding some of those...even if, yes, they look boring...suddenly you've brought your clocking and sequencer trig/gate aspects into the generative domain. And with a few comparators + Boolean logic, you can cook up LOADS of results that are based on your modulation source states.

So, I wouldn't concentrate on the sound generation SOLELY. Instead, figure out how to extend the generative concept AS FAR AS POSSIBLE...then pare that result back into a build that works with your capabilities and budget. You'll be pretty amazed as to the results. And yeah...if you've got VCV Rack, you can see how a lot of this should work.