Excellent, you are on the right track now Cedric!

The key is to start slow and have fun and learn :-)

I have a lot more modular gear now but probably will get a very small case for portable rig in future. I also recommend simple and often overlooked tools like knurlies- these things are cheap and wonderful for moving modules around without needed a screwdriver and such, splitter 1-5 mults hex devices that work like passive mults without taking up precious rack space HP and stackable cables like those from Tiptop audio. I am actually making a video tutorial on these things for beginners. Stay tuned!

-- sacguy71

I will ! do you have a link towards your tutorials ?
I always forget knurlies in my orders... :(
You're right, every one should have splitter(s) in his rack, I will find a 2hp as soon as I can invest, cause for the moment, even if I bought my rack and modules mint, I have to wait for the next ..
Can you tell me more about kinks functions ? It's the only module In this project I'm not sure how to use ..

Kind regards,