Thread: Pedal Love?

Oh, yes...I have a nice "library" of stompboxes here. I've made sure to have DC supplies for them by each of the main routing patchbays in here so that I can "drop in" one if I need an extra something-or-another to a certain sound. Sort of like a VST...but hardware.

Love the Mood, of the best things Chase Bliss does. But there's a lot of CRAZY stuff going on down at the lower end of the price spectrum...there's quite a few Chinese pedals in the arsenal here now, and brands like Biyang, Aural Dream, etc are in there...along with several things from the Noisemasters of Beijing, CUVAVE.

Just get their FUZZ pedal. Seriously. Most anything that Cuvave's designed is somewhat off-kilter and weird, but the Cuvave FUZZ has "future classic" stamped all over it. I kid you not. I have two...and drum signals through these just sound like some sort of hideous industrial cataclysm. I even have a RAT R2DU (the dual rackmount version, original circuit), and the Cuvave can kick that device right to the curb! Before we get into some sort of moron-grade war with the PRC, you guys need to be scoping these Chinese pedals out...some of them are truly AMAZING.