This looks way to small given three voices (Plaits, Rings, and Clouds) not nearly enough room for proper modulation.

I do like the cascading CV available in the Quad VCA you have that is not in Veils, that may or may not make a difference to you (Veils save you some HP as well).

Do you need an ADSR you have envelopes available in Maths and for this size case seems like wasted HP.

Do you need more passive attenuators you have 2 attenuverters in Maths, another option is 3xMIA gives you mixing capabilities, offsets, attenuverters?

You might want some sort of matrix mixer. I think there is a lot of value in the new u-he civilization module.

More importantly this case is too small, you will find yourself very limited very quickly. I would recommend the Mantis case the best bang for the buck with plenty of space to grow.

More experienced folks I am sure will give you more advice, but plan for a bigger case and fill slowly.