So, my I ask you a direct question and I am hoping for an honest (and not a diplomatic) answer ;-) ? Is the combination of Five12 - Vector + Jack Expander (bit over 1k bucks together) worth it? If yes, why, if not, why not?
-- GarfieldModular

No, I definitely think it's worth it. The Vector is a wildly complex and super-versatile sequencer, given all of the different algorhythmic/generative capabilities that're hiding inside of it. And the ability to get inside of it with a computer is really appealing, plus you can store complex instruction sets for it internally via its own microSD. The breakout module just ups the ante, too...allowing you to use the Vector to sequence more than just the Eurorack stuff. It's very DEEP, and as a result it's got a bit of learning curve...but man, the POWER...