Wicked farkas! Thanks for the input.

Your proposed rack is actually very similar to my current rack, so I'm going to tell you that you are on the right track. :)

What kinds of sounds are you producing?? Playing live, or mainly studio use?

I would recommend eliminating one of the sequencers and adding a Pamela's New Workout as a master clock (and more). You could add a Euclidean Circles to Pam's and the Eloquencer and have a pretty powerful combo.

Here's a good question. I have Tempi currently, it's OK.. I figure, with NerdSEQ or Eloquencer, I can just pull clock off of one of them and mult it around. Is it a better practice to have a dedicated module for clocking?

It may be wise to eliminate the Mutamix and invest in a larger CV-able mixer like WMD's Performance Mixer.

Good thoughts. I was thinking I'd mainly mix Ableton, but that would limit me doing interesting mixing in-rack. The Performance Mixer is friggin' huge though....

I think I would make do without the patchbays, and replace them with a buffered mult or two, maybe something like Mutable's Links. That's my preference, anyway.

Really those patch bays just look so good. And at like 80 buck a pop... (dang it Behringer..) But 2 of them is probably superfluous.

Ripples is a great all-around filter, but it might be worth investing in two completely different styles of filter (Font and Ripples appear to be very similar). G-Storm Electro is making some cool reproductions of classic filters. A low pass gate would probably add some new flavor as well.

Nice! I need more knowledge around euro filters...

These are just a few things that came to mind as I was taking a once-over on your rack. You will have a blast with something like this, but take it slow... Just a few modules to start with until you realize what you really NEED next. It may turn out completely different than what you are planning now. Be adaptable.

Absolutely (:
