He would need to clock the a-149, control two channels of optomix, 2 channels of vca and several dpo destinations, let alone modulate the modulation with self patching.
-- exper

Actually you're right - I didn't realise the A-149 required external clock.

That said the new suggestion looks great too. If you want to clock the A-149 without using a Maths you could add a dedicated clock module (if there was one that would fit into that 2hp (?) bit on the top right it'd be great, but I don't think that exists.)
Maybe the Ginko Synthese Tap LFO which has a clock out as well as a pretty complex LFO?
The Echophon would mean you can process external input with the modular, which would give more utility for sure.

Either way trust Exper's advice over mine. I only have about 16hp of Eurorack so far and I'm basically a passionate noob in the world of physical modular synthesis. I go by nothing but experience in SunVox and computer synthesis.