To counter this and give a different (not better - just different) perspective, one of the most compelling features of the MI modules is their ergonomics - there is a reason they are laid out so beautifully - it makes them easy and fun to play!

My advice is that you already have an awful lot of functionality in the Behringer Neutron and Moog DFAM, so pick just one or two modules from your selection and really get to know them inside out. This will do a couple of things, one it will stop you from being overwhelmed (and finishing off your bank balance ha!) and make you really explore all the possibilities of those modules in combination with what you have already - I think you will be surprised how much difference just one or two modules makes.

My choice would be Maths, because it is a perennial favourite and for good reason, and for practical reasons the Mutant Brain!

If you would really like to go one further, I am going to make a shameless plug and mention that I have an original MI Elements in perfect condition for sale at a very good price and i could use the cash heh ;)

Wish you all the very best whatever you decide!