Hello everyone! Hope you can give me some help...

As titled, I'd like to build my first modular rack. I've been thinking about it for around a year and by the end of 2020 my goal is having a small rack with a few modules to start make some noise, bleep and bloops.

I've watched many tutorial on youtube (andrew huang, noiretblancvie, bobeats etc.) and I've been trying to understand the basics with vcv rack software.

Cause it's really hard to choose modules, especially the must-have ones, I do really need a hand.

As far as I get it, most important thing is to know what you're gonna do with a modular system. I do like many things unfortunately and I'm trying to think constructively. So, how can I implement and mix my existing setup with a modular rack? I guess this is a good starting point. I'm a guitar player first then a composer. I've got my own project coming out very soon but I don't wanna think of a modular system only related to what I'm trying to do now with my music. However, first modules will be as close as possible as my current sound. In a few words, I'm thinking of a modular system (at least at first) as one new instrument to add to what I already have.

My current setup is:

Guitar and lots of pedals (which I use them even with other machines);

Elektron Digitakt

Novation Circuit Mono Station

Pocket Operator Arcade (barely used at the moment with the rest, still finding a way to add it permanently in the mix)

Arturia Keystep (don't have it actually, coming tomorrow)

Given that, I've tought: what can I get out of a modular rack which could be a step further in my music direction?

My answer, as of today, is melody and atmosphere. Recreating soundscapes and melodies It might be a logic starting point.

I like sequencing patterns (some tricky stuff like euclidean rhythms also), design my own pads, heavily using arpeggiators. I'm influenced by synthwave, mostly.

So to wrap everything up: buying a case with 100-120hp more or less would be more than good, considering I will expand the system slowly. As of what modules I'd get, still don't know. There's too many brands out there which I like (make noise, mutable instruments, just to name a couple) and, if I've got the meaning of modules right, some of them do much more stuff than you expect (maths is the first coming up in regards).

Sorry for the very long post, just trying to give an accurate idea so to get a better help off you.

Thanks guys!

P.S. this is the current state: ModularGrid Rack
I've been helped on reddit. the bottom row is what I'll buy later on (expensive modules though xD), top row is the essentials.