Thanks for the reply, you pretty much told me everything I needed. Yes indeed, I have a long way to go in learning about modular synthesis. Basically all I’ve looked into is tiny setups and see what they say is absolutely needed. Unfortunately I still lack the basic knowledge to know what would be needed for me. My thought was it would be easier going hands on and learning the intricacies by using it, after I have acquired all the necessary components. The problem is I’m having a hard time finding out what is exactly necessary for a rack to function. I really appreciate the suggestion about VCV rack though, that may be exactly what I need.

Still actually getting the hardware is a long ways off. I just wanted to see where I was at with my current knowledge and which direction I need to go in learning more. I definitely don’t want to end up with something that will disappoint.

I planned to patch the Solum into the Steppy to trigger that, would that not work? And my biggest concern is you’re saying this setup can’t even produce musical notes on its own? I was hoping Plaits would be the only sound generation I need but I may have misunderstood it’s function. So I should look more into basic wave oscillators and find ways to control pitch as well.

Thanks for the advice, The research continues.