Hi Northnan,

You got a full planned rack there :-) Not a bit too full? As you indicated already, you might want to go for a few more classic components like oscillators, LFOs, VCAs, filters, etcetera. Difficult to say though. What exactly do you want to do with this? Especially without really knowing what you want, how would someone know if you would really need Plaits & Rings? :-)

Instead of a microbrute I got a Neutron and though yes, you can use some functionality of it, while I am waiting for some more modules to arrive, I am missing some of the basic components even though that could be (partly) realised with the Neutron. So you might want to look a bit more into that as well.

Good luck with the planning and the realisation and kind regards, Garfield Modular.

For review reports of Eurorack modules, please refer to https://garfieldmodular.net/ for PDF formatted downloads