Thank you Ronin for the advice. I should mention that I have a semi-modular dreadbox Nyx, it has an oscillator and three modulators I can use.
The cvpal is only here if I need to layer synths from my DAW projects. Not to use in my everyday eurorack ambient set.
I don’t actually need time stretching sampler you are right I can do that in ableton, but I love granular so it is just a pleasure. And I want to avoid screens in my system, so bitbox won’t fit, but thank you for the suggestion it could have been a good alternative!

What do you suggest to add more subtle changes over time? A second batumi?
And to restart lfo and enveloppes, something like a varigate 4+ could help in your opinion?

EDIT: Or instead of a second batumi, maybe an ornement & crime, a Xaoc Zadar, or a Disting mk4 would be a good complement (even if they have screens I wanted to avoid) ?
I plan to add a Triple d by hikari as well, based on Lugia’s advice.

Would it be a good improvement to my system, on a 2x84hp ?