42 HP
45 mm deep
Current Draw
152 mA +12V
56 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$702 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Advanced drum sequencer with 16 trigger outs

The ultimate modular drum sequencer.

● 16x trigger outputs
● 12x Accent outs
● 1x CV track
● 1x Gate track
● 2x Synced LFO outs
● Time signature per Track
● Pattern length per Track
● Shuffle per track
● Probability per step
● Retrigger per step
● Instant pattern switching
● Solo/Mute tracks
● Step/Tap record modes
● 16 Banks of 16 Patterns
● Quick Copy/Paste per tracks & patterns
● Instant pattern switching
● Pattern linking


Ø 4.76 (17 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 25th 2017, 12:40 by EricaSynths | last Change Aug 24th 2018, 09:14 by EricaSynths

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?