4 HP
38 mm deep
Current Draw
17 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$125 Price in €

No info about availability.

Noise Generator, Lockhart Wavefolder and Gate to Trigger / Black panel

The Blue Lantern Mr. Blue Noise & Lockhart Wavefolder packs 3 useful circuits into a single 4 HP wide Eurorack module: A noise generator, Lockhart wave folder, and gate-to-trigger converter.

Noise Generator: 4 different noise outputs:
■ White Noise
■ Low-pass White Noise
■ High-pass White Noise
■ Red Noise

Lockhart Wavefolde:> Audio processor:
■ External Input
■ Folds/Warps incoming audio to "LH Out"
■ Use an attenuator right before the input to tune how much fold
■ Pulse Wave Output
■ Works especially well with sine or triangle wave input

Gate-to-Trigger Converter: Translates gate signals into triggers for use on percussive modules.
■ Gate input
■ Trigger output


Ø 4.67 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 20th 2014, 15:23 by tsunamisucks | last Change Apr 25th 2014, 08:43 by tsunamisucks

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?