8 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
90 mA +12V
20 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$270 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

FM & Wave-Shape Oscillator

Pizza is a compact digital oscillator with powerful wave shaping applied to FM synthesis. Pizza offers a ton of flavor in a compact form, and it grants superb access with the assignable CTRL knob and CV, while its 3 different outputs allow for high patch flexibility.


  • Complex oscillator with 3 internal oscillators
  • Main Oscillator with phase modulation (FM), wave folding, and ring modulation
  • Octave Oscillator with independent output, square-sine-saw waveshaper, and independent output
  • Ratio Oscillator for FM with user-adjustable ratios and square-sine-saw waveshaper
  • 3 waveform outputs
  • Pulse output of the Main Oscillator
  • FM Index crossfader between Ratio Oscillator and Octave Oscillator
  • Index Mod attenuverter for the dedicated CV input
  • SHAPE section with wave-shaping of operators, 2 flavors of wave-folding, and ring modulation
  • Sync input to reset all oscillators
  • Octave transposition and detune via Pitch knob
  • Tune mode for adjusting semitone transposition and fine-tune
  • EXT input to replace phase modulation of the Octave Oscillator with external signal
  • V/OCT input with automatic calibration and quantization
  • Assignable CTRL knob and CV (lin/exp FM, ratios, octave, detune, waveshaping, VCA)
  • Firmware updates via micro USB


Ø 4.79 (29 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 24th 2022, 23:22 by seahorse_emoji | last Change Mar 12th, 13:08 by TempraUdon
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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?