10 HP
28 mm deep
Current Draw
12 mA +12V
12 mA -12V
600 mA 5V
$225 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Vacuum tube modulator / waveshaper / distortion unit with twin inputs

Twins is an unique take on a operational amplifier - Created purely with four triodes, it can provide significant tube distortion to your waveforms. It contains no less than two vactrol-controlled channels (inverting and non-inverting) that can be connected in feedback. High distortion figure connected with a gain control will enable user to animate oscillator waveforms as well as any other sound source.
Sound demo:
Some more details:
•Inputs are DC coupled, outputs are AC coupled internally and then buffered.
•Caution - requires 1200mA @ 5V for a couple seconds during start!
•Module uses two 6N3P (6Н3П) vacuum tubes.

Ø 5.00 (1 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Apr 17th 2022, 21:29 by sinsky | last Change Feb 4th, 11:33 by sinsky

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