This Module is discontinued.
AM8705 Dual Envelope Generator
This module is a Dual ADSR similar to the envelope generators in the Roland 700 and 100M modular analog synthesizers. The AM8705 contains two identical traditional ADSR format envelope generators with variable Attack, Decay, Sustain and Release. The module uses 30mm travel slide potentiometers and has toggle switches to switch between 2 different set of timings - slow or fast.
Detailed Description
This module contains two envelope generators each with 3 timed stages: Attack, Decay, Release. The Sustain control adjusts the level to which the Decay time reduces to. Both ADSR’s are triggered together by an internal gate signal from the standard Doepfer 16 pin bus, or a front panel push button (MANUAL GATE), or individually via a gate signal connected to the front panel Gate jacks (GATE1, GATE2).
The standard duration of each stage is 10 seconds, but each ADSR can be switched using the TIME toggle switch into a fast timing 1/10 the duration. This enables fast envelopes to be generated. Two identical control voltages are available for each ADSR, making it easy to patch an ADSR into both a VCF and VCA simultaneously. The gate signal is displayed for each ADSR via a dedicated LED. Each ADSR generates a control signal from 0V to +10V.
There is a Red gate LED for ADSR1 and a Blue gate LED for ADSR2. The toggle switches have colour coded caps (Blue and Red) and the single gate switch is a Red push button button.
The module was introduced in 2012 and a redesigned version will be available in 2019.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | condition is good two availible price per unit. one of them has slight ... | €170,00 | MrCurtis |
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