Power Consumption: 6644 mA +12V
| 3727 mA -12V | 451 mA 5V
Depth: 102 mm |
Price: $37,875 |
Number of Modules: 200
| Data Sheet
Achtung This Rack contains modules with incomplete power consumption specs: CP3, MS-VCA4I, MS-VCA4O, Q-LINEAR, AM8012 ARP 2600P Filter, AM8060 JP6 Multi-Mode VCF, AM8075SE Athena VCF, AM8140 Dual ADSR, AM8027 Athena Dual VCO, AM8047 UAF, AM8019 Athena VCA, AM8125 VCO, AM8040 Low Pass Filter, AM8027 Dual VCO, AM8075, AM8014 Ring Modulator, AM8320 SCI Pro One X Digisound 80-6 hybrid filter, LittleMix, MT16 , MB4, VCA2, CVT CV-to-Trigger, EG, SY01 Synthesizer, StationX, StationY, LFO1 - VC LFO / S+H / Noise, EG02 - Dual Envelopes, VCO2 Dual VCO/LFO Beta Version, VCO2 Dual VCO/LFO, Black Coffee, FS01 Fill-In / Quad Switcher, Matrix 100