My downstream Buchla Lester87

My downstream Buchla

My sullen Buchla wvargcgcse

My sullen Buchla

My crazy Buchla wiggler3299

My crazy Buchla

My attractive Buchla wiggler9366

My attractive Buchla

My bleached Eurorack Sosean

My bleached Eurorack

My giving Buchla Gonkeroo

My giving Buchla

My jovial Buchla wiggler111852

My jovial Buchla

My westcoast dreams pekauppi

My westcoast dreams

My Buchla Dream wiggler12416

My Buchla Dream

My bilobed Buchla Ghjwhat

My bilobed Buchla

My tight Buchla jooks

My tight Buchla

Buchla 18U + 6U + 223e Mkxii tamiX

Buchla 18U + 6U + 223e Mkxii

Buchla 18U + 6U + 223e Mkxi (261e bassline only) tamiX

Buchla 18U + 6U + 223e Mkxi (261e bassline only)

Buchla 201e-6 to 10 jvt

Buchla 201e-6 to 10

My hot Buchla wiggler5188

My hot Buchla

Big Buchla noisedesigner

Big Buchla

My matted Buchla stalysmusic

My matted Buchla

My annoying Buchla wiggler8307

My annoying Buchla

My bawdy Buchla livefreela

My bawdy Buchla



My ropy Buchla shenmin

My ropy Buchla

Buchla Suitcase Muschbit

Buchla Suitcase

My untracked Buchla drew

My untracked Buchla

Buchla Skylab 2019 - 3 ideas hottlipps

Buchla Skylab 2019 - 3 ideas

My intown Buchla FloydPepper

My intown Buchla

Post sale buchla (copy) (copy) (copy) tIB

Post sale buchla (copy) (copy) (copy)

8 Modules combat_silence

8 Modules

Ciani Buchla Basic Perf Patch 01 patternmusic

Ciani Buchla Basic Perf Patch 01

Nice 12 Buchla 7thDanSound

Nice 12 Buchla

My gross Eurorack yoantoine

My gross Eurorack

Buchla dude matticus

Buchla dude

My bleached Buchla adriano

My bleached Buchla

Buchla ghsiii


Buchla (copied from RichardDevine) mattgrid1

Buchla (copied from RichardDevine)

Boys Buch In Town Vatican2

Boys Buch In Town

briefcase Vatican2


200e 12u Vatican2

200e 12u

SOAR Buchla Skylab Updated bencarey

SOAR Buchla Skylab Updated

My unmatched Buchla (copied from EpicAxe) KinneticSlammer

My unmatched Buchla (copied from EpicAxe)

My strange Eurorack zhadix

My strange Eurorack

Big Buchla Clone (copy) gench

Big Buchla Clone (copy)

My kingless Buchla modularaddict

My kingless Buchla

My submissive Buchla wiggler52111

My submissive Buchla

My stupid Buchla labkopp

My stupid Buchla

Buchla 18U + 223e for Audiovisual tamiX

Buchla 18U + 223e for Audiovisual