2024-05-16 Soundfreak modules I've tried at soundbooth, possible pairing justusw

2024-05-16 Soundfreak modules I've tried at soundbooth, possible pairing

My lovelorn Buchla qroc

My lovelorn Buchla

My flurried Buchla j_synth

My flurried Buchla

faye's big sister 3vcos

faye's big sister

My light Buchla pfurmel

My light Buchla

My confused Buchla Tekmashine

My confused Buchla

My wrong Buchla wiggler9893

My wrong Buchla

Buchla 18U Marf Muschbit

Buchla 18U Marf

My aery Buchla sixthear

My aery Buchla

My crazy Buchla wiggler120192

My crazy Buchla

Gobi 18 subcutaneous

Gobi 18

My tight Buchla Josephgunther

My tight Buchla

My pale Buchla wiggler90516

My pale Buchla

My sick Buchla wiggler13856

My sick Buchla

My young Eurorack Ekofisk

My young Eurorack

My Skylab Buchla arpobermoog

My Skylab Buchla

buchla Skylab (130924) ganggang

buchla Skylab (130924)

Buchla 100 3x5U Case KOHN

Buchla 100 3x5U Case

5x6 rsfc


My hottest Eurorack lindstrommodular

My hottest Eurorack

Juanjo the Surfing Turtle charnayda

Juanjo the Surfing Turtle

mini lem (copied from dead3) riguz1993

mini lem (copied from dead3)

Skylab flowerpup


My shaping Buchla 8olitaire

My shaping Buchla

My fribble Buchla rampue

My fribble Buchla

BuchlaPlan leica


Buchla Dream exeterdown

Buchla Dream

Big Boy iaminthesea

Big Boy

My wrapround Buchla Ludgero

My wrapround Buchla

My wrong Buchla pantherampextape

My wrong Buchla

My phoney Buchla jeffrone

My phoney Buchla

My Buchla synesthesia

My  Buchla

SkyLab louh


My shirtless Buchla izmond

My shirtless Buchla

My light Buchla wiggler1329

My light Buchla

My 8U Buchla wedaman

My 8U Buchla

My Skylab (copy) gruvsyco

My Skylab (copy)

My snippy Buchla zavalabeatskis

My snippy Buchla

BCH fulb


Buchla 200 Krell Boat Rig - Buchla (in progress) luchog

Buchla 200 Krell Boat Rig - Buchla (in progress)

Potential B wiggler18317

Potential B

Buchla, piled ModHiisi

Buchla, piled

Buchla 100 30U X180R19

Buchla 100 30U

My ugly Eurorack wiggler1899

My ugly Eurorack

My ludicrous Buchla yaosichen

My ludicrous Buchla