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hansdir/Patch #3 | hansdir/Patch #1 | hansdir/Patch #2 | hansdir/Patch #1 | wesynth/thursday second one | wesynth/4 Even more | wesynth/3 with LFOs | wesynth/2 osc sequencer filter | wesynth/1 Oscillator | Protovir/Patch #1 | nervigemucke/Patch #1 | alchemista/Patch #2 | alchemista/Patch #1 | ozoz/Patch #1 | gerhardd/Patch #1 | d3suu/Patch #1 | mariobros/Patch #2 | mariobros/Patch #6 | mariobros/Patch #5 | mariobros/Patch #4 | mcella/Patch #1 | Mogo199530/Patch #2 | Mogo199530/Patch #1 | Adigoldstein/Patch #1 | Ivicore/Patch #6 | Ivicore/Patch #5 | MACoester/Patch #1 | MisterSwan/Patch #1 | walterschulze/NUUK Patch | ViciousVelvet/Patch #1 | CowMonster3/Melody's and stuff | Ivicore/Patch #4 | Ivicore/Patch #3 | Ivicore/Patch #2 | Ivicore/Patch #1 | jphi75019/Patch #1 | cmpst/Patch #1 | alevillejo/Patch #1 | subvoid/Patch #2 | Mihasko/Power electronics |