1 PU
$1,449 Price in €

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The Model 256e Quad Control Voltage Processor is a resource for applying simple algebraic functions to control voltages. Each processor has two stages - the first stage provides for voltage-controlled panning between two inputs, and the second establishes a linear transformation between input and output. Additionally, a single breakpoint may be added to enable non-linear transformations.

The 256e controls are easily comprehended. A knob and/or a voltage controls the selection of input voltages. Additional knobs determine the output voltages for inputs of 0 and 10 volts. If a breakpoint is invoked, another pair of knobs sets the input and output values for the breakpoint.

Processes supported include scaling, inversion, addition, multiplication, weighted averaging, and voltage controlled selection. LED´s provide graphical representations of the transformation functions and of the output levels.

With a little help from a 225e or 206e preset manager, the settings of the 256e can be stored as part of a system preset.

Ø 4.50 (4 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 24th 2012, 07:20 by solitud | last Change Sep 15th 2021, 12:04 by Kent

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