I found 1010 threads containing analog in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
What comes next? updated beginner setup Racks by 2 92
feedback on first rack Racks by 18 366
First Modular - Feedback please :) Racks by 3 95
Korg SQ-64? Modules by 26 794
Verkstation 12U (Optimize) Racks by 1 142
And/Or companion to the 208 Buchla (copy) Racks by 2 112
Die welt ist alles, was der fall ist Racks by 13 216
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222
First Essential Rack Racks by 6 254
First rack, beginner Racks by 15 435
What next to go with Analogue Solutions Treadstone synth? Modules by 7 120
It's time for utilities Racks by 9 263
Modular groovebox plan - Update from a rack in a previous thread Racks by 5 116
Should I go ALL ANALOG? You by 13 167
bought an new module You by 5 134
Mutable + MPC one CV/Gates Racks by 4 128
L-1 Cwejman Racks by 7 303
First Rack(s) Feedback Racks by 8 263
Gradual Rackbrute 6U build / Ableton Live MIDI integration Racks by 9 160
Furthrrrr Generator tuner accuracy Modules by 7 106
New to Eurorack... Destroy my dreams Racks by 16 450
Rack Advice for Hypnotic Techno Racks by 12 498
Cheap custom synth Racks by 12 229
MatrixBrute power info You by 5 31
Make Noise Telharmonic Modules by 13 13702
Bubblesound Instruments DualSeM20 (Black) Modules by 1 1495
Request to add options to Function / Secondary Function ModularGrid by 5 95
After following several guides, I have my first rack. But will it work? Racks by 5 112
Advice for modular newbie: Round 2 Racks by 8 149
Gradual build for live ambient + techno beats (ambient techno, I guess... but also glit... Racks by 8 156
My Hydrasynth/Minibrute Eurorack Racks by 17 552
Acid house jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 7 84
2nd iteration of my starter rack Racks by 4 120
ALM S.B.G. - Bonus features Modules by 6 122
Phase 3 - 104HP to Play With Racks by 1 49
this will be my first modular. does this make sense? help pls Racks by 15 517
Rackbrute and Minibrute: why this set up Racks by 4 109
Niftycase idea for ambient Racks by 15 414
Help with finishing the rack. Racks by 6 174
Modular noob starter rack Racks by 9 282
advice on utilities for Experimental Rack Racks by 11 238
Another newbie´s first sketch of rack Racks by 12 292
Rack update - feedback/thoughts Racks by 1 52
Looking for feedback and suggestions Racks by 6 141
Using Pressure Points + Brains + Switchblade to get a longer sequence our of a single P... You by 2 31
Would love some feedback on this set up Racks by 25 534
62 HP Idea Racks by 6 281
rack feedback request, round 3 Racks by 18 338
Patch #3 Patches by 5 183
Seeking Opinions/Advice for Optimizing my First System Racks by 16 421
feadback for my first eurorack. ModularGrid by 20 426
Advice for Modular Newbie. Racks by 14 294
monome cstuff and disting ex - help and suggestions needed Racks by 2 89
Filters as noise sources Modular Discussions by 4 69
advice please: creating a powerful rig for interesting EDM bass / lead lines Racks by 16 557
Basic modular building blocks with Moog Grandmother and Subharmonicon need advice Racks by 1 51
(Sorceress). from DAW, now into Modular... You by 1 32
Make Noise QMMG on Reverb. Modules by 28 465
Best studio desks, monitors and sound acoustic treatment packages for modular gear? Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 19 297
Happy Easter You by 12 88
My clubby Eurorack Racks by 6 165
New to modular, planning initial racks.... Racks 9 207
Good modules for Controlling/live interaction with modular? Modular Discussions 36 723
A final rack review request Racks by 17 416
two to four voices in a Rackbrute 6U? Racks by 6 176
I would like some feedback on my build. The help would be greatly appreciated :3 Racks by 7 226
20U Current - Ivo Ivanov (Glitchmachines) Racks this user has left ModularGrid by 36 2163
Thinking about building a noise rack Racks by 8 129
First modular system ever, need advice on utility modules (ambient experimental) Racks by 9 440
Creating a slowly evolving system, with sound coming in and out taking turns. Modules by 6 173
FX thread Modular Discussions by 15 217
My Not-So-Noob-Anymore Update Racks by 25 337
Acid Bassline Racks by 10 492
Get difference between two CVs Modular Discussions by 11 148
Little Drummer Rack Racks by 2 73
Techno machine Racks by 4 1172
The pretty big re-arrangement Racks by 12 243
Favourite small filters? Modular Discussions by 23 1107
Another Newbie (rolls eyes)... Racks by 3 86
A little test bench in 48 hp Racks by 7 124
Beep Boop MKII Racks by 7 92
Pico Case - Ambient drone with Plaits Racks by 9 301
House / Techno eurorack build Racks by 12 254
Please evaluate this A-100 (Doepfer) system Racks by 21 272
Slew Limiter = Envelope Follower? Modular Discussions by 2 300
I'm looking for advice to expand my eurorack. Racks by 14 197
Evening Modular Experiment: WORNG Vector Space You by 2 44
My test rack 1 Racks by 12 257
Pulec's actual payroll stealing setup Racks by 1 117
Newb so please be gentle Racks by 25 469
Nonlinearcircuits Tracky Dacks - Magpie white panel Modules by 1 188
Advice for minimal setup Racks by 14 233
My unsoft Eurorack Racks by 14 266
16hp in small rack Racks by 8 128
my first rack and i need your help! Racks by 3 113
First modular build - comments & criticism Racks by 10 305
Audio Damage ADM18 Shapes Modules by 4 670
The Great Rearrangement Modular Discussions by 14 323
Completing an ambient 6u system Racks by 3 146
RRR You by 14 106