A word in favor of the PM Okapi -- I have a stereo setup, with two stereo Okapis run through an Erica Synths Black Stereo mixer.

That gives me 8 inputs (4 per Okapi) so that each one's 4 inputs go into a left and right channel, taking up two of the four stereo pairs on the ES mixer (between them is a Xer Dualis for another 8 input stereo pair in the ES mixer, and a 2hp VCA gives me the final stereo pair). So basically I can have 18 inputs into the ES mixer, nine inputs per left or right channel (!).

What really rocks about the Okapi, however, are the light indicators! Just glance down and if you see red, turn that input down a bit (and vice-versa). It is very helpful to have visuals in mixing! Something to think about long-term if you want to expand to stereo. This is sort of hard to explain, so here's the setup (a 6U Doepfer L-base and a separate 6U standing on it).

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