Waldorf M Waldorf Pedals

Wavetable Synthesizer


Oscillators: 2 Wavetable oscillators with independent wavetables and two different tone generation models - classic Waldorf Microwave I model and modern Waldorf Microwave II model. 96 Factory Wavetables + 32 slots for User Wavetables

Filter: Analog low-pass 24 dB/Oct VCF (SSI 2144 Improved Ladder Type) with saturation and resonance
Amplifier: Analog true stereo VCA for each voice with panning option

Envelopes: 4 Envelope Generators; 8 point loopable time/level Wave envelope generator, VCF and VCA ADSR envelopes and a free assignable loopable 4 points time/level envelope

LFOs: 2 LFOs with different waveforms

Arpeggiator with 16 preset patterns, chord mode and the ability to synchronise to MIDI clock

Sound storage: 2048 Sound programs + 128 Multi programs

Polyphony: 8/16 voices polyphony (16 voices available with the expansion board installed)

Multitimbrality: 4 Parts (4 parts can be assigned to 4 individual stereo outputs)

Outputs: Stereo Main Out, 4 stereo AUX Out, Headphone out with an associated Volume knob

MIDI: USB 2.0 and DIN (5-pin DIN connector with In/Out/Thru)
Compatible with classic Waldorf Microwave I sysex messages (sound bank transfer/sound transfer)

SD Card for loading / storing user content as sound banks and wavetables

VESA 75 recepticle on the bottom (mountable on monitor stand using the VESA standard)

  • 440 mm wide
  • 305 mm heigh
? mA / ? V AC/DC

This module is currently available.
