
On Grid since February 23rd, 2021

Racks Visit Command Center

pedal gasPedalsPrivate
semi modularEurorackPrivate
bssw 104hp (live)EurorackPrivate
bssw 104hp (studio)EurorackPrivate
bssw 1UEurorackPrivate
VCOs / Complex VCOsEurorackPrivate
LPGs / Drums / CV / RandomEurorackPrivate
FX / FiltersEurorackPrivate
Waveshapers / VCAs-Mixers / Compressor / External Mod / UtilitiesEurorackPrivate

My Offers on the Marketplace

Module Region Price
Atlantis EU €565,00 
SAPÈL EU €320,00 
Complex Oscillator EU €520,00 
Shrouds / 8hp Mutable Veils EU €100,00 
Output 1U EU €55,00 
3xMIA 1U EU €80,00 
RES-4 EU €950,00 
uRipples / MI Ripples V2 6hp EU €100,00 

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