Date Region Description Price Seller
EUBoutique clone of the famous Woolly Mammoth from ZVEX.EROS, Panasonic an...$109.36
EUCLONE of ZVEX WOOLY MAMMOTHMade by me, it's a re-creation of the WO...$135.00
JapanThe PINCH knob changes the instantaneous wave width of the sound, produc...$284.63
USAMint custom unit 1 of 1 like new in box. ![Zvex Woolly Mammoth](https:/...$450.00
USADesigned for bass, a favorite for guitar, this incredibly sub-frequency-...$200.00
USAFrom Zvex:Designed for bass, a favorite for guitar, this incredibly sub-...$259.95
USADesigned for bass, a favorite for guitar, this incredibly sub-frequency-...$340.00
USAZVEX Woolly Mammoth. Minty. Thanks for looking. ![Zvex Woolly Mammoth...$195.00
USALike New ZVex Vexter Woolly Mammoth, purchased new and only used at home...$185.00