I found 423 threads containing guitar in all Forums

Thread Subject Forum Author Latest Post Posts Views
Feedback on this Palette 62 Theremin(ator) Rack pls Racks by 6 119
Tips and ideas for First Eurorack system and expansion for DFAM Racks by 4 236
First small rack for guitar and other audio processing Racks by 5 297
Tape Loop Ambience with microphones - First rig - Be gentle... Racks by 6 234
First eurorack build - help and comments much appreciated!! Racks by 3 211
Rack complete Racks by 11 377
feeback on first rack Racks by 30 666
Complement to DFAM and Subharmonicon with focus on random elements and live performing Racks by 7 304
Two racks - feedback please Racks by 17 244
complexnonsense You by 5 131
JF's Modular System Modules by 5 64
monux crave shoulder rack 001 Racks by 9 158
62hp Palette Morphagene Racks by 5 416
Send/return module as line input/output ? Modular Discussions by 12 282
Making your own silicon rubber solder helper video for DIYers You by 10 85
12hp for Reverb or go with external box? Modules by 16 508
Assistance with Rack Build (Intellijel 7U) / Returning to Modular after many years Racks by 22 388
Need Guidance Racks by 6 201
Starter kit Racks by 36 906
Beginner's guitar processing rack, hopes of generative Racks by 5 201
First Rack. New to Music and Eurorack. (Total newb) Racks by 4 176
bloody beginner in need of good advice Racks by 7 260
Replacement for guitar pedals Modular Discussions by 13 178
[Real] 104HP 6U CaseFromLake (copy #1 - after guitarist ruck is done stealing) Racks by 1 61
[Project] Rack for experimental effects for guitarist Racks by 1 76
Ambient Rack Racks by 13 573
Your favorite analog effects? Modules by 7 260
Aether's Mist You by 4 61
amalgamod and nono modular case experiences Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid by 9 518
First confident rack idea, open to any criticism as I'm still learning. :-) Racks by 16 482
Revised proposed synth based upon comments I received Patches by 24 362
My Matriarch Companion Racks by 1 110
Sunday Afternoon Atmospheric Modular Grooves You by 1 31
Complete Beginner Racks by 5 225
Outboard signal boosting into Eurorack Modular Discussions by 14 239
Briefly | Recent Track You by 1 16
Pitch tracking acoustic instruments - Sonicsmith ConVertor E1 Modules by 9 229
Doing some feedback patching You by 6 115
I seek constructive criticism on my first rack build Racks by 5 205
First Rack For Feedback Racks by 5 136
First build; need feedback, opinions Racks by 1 48
Best of Modular Grid returns! It's that time of year again You by 59 1115
First Rack idea - advice appreciated! Racks by 4 95
Rack advice welcme Racks by 5 202
Rack Attack - Any advice? Racks by 9 299
Distant | New Track You by 1 38
Help Needed - Rackbrute 9-12U (a work in progress) Racks by 16 466
Erica Synths Black Input Modules by 9 3040
New to modular... rack advice appreciated! Racks by 27 529
Looping Pedalboard Racks by 1 48
Dads Pedalboard Concept (copy) Racks by 4 104
Ergonomics - YOUR opinions. Modular Discussions by 9 147
First build Racks by 31 510
Diving into eurorack and need some advice Racks by 15 249
Feedback on first rack to compliment Digitakt/Digitone and 0-Coast? Racks 52 965
New Video | Along the Windowsill You by 8 112
Percussion fun with Make Noise Maths and Erbeverb You this user has left ModularGrid 3 83
Generative Ambient Starter Racks by 9 329
Easiest way to record modular synths Modular Discussions this user has left ModularGrid 14 310
(Yet Another) First Rack 6U 104HP Racks by 14 479
Halloween cat nip jam You this user has left ModularGrid by 9 100
More control over the Eurorack Modular Discussions by 11 304
your favorite FX modules / setups? Modules 21 1336
New Kosmische Project You by 15 191
Mutable Instruments Rack Modular Discussions 8 244
What utility/function modules to get? Help is much appreciated Racks by 9 237
67P | Latest Track You by 3 28
Something to consider... Modular Discussions by 5 158
Audio signal processing question(s)... Modular Discussions by 7 71
The Weather Man Racks by 26 393
Modular Ate My Brain Modular Discussions by 6 172
Krell patch: Turbidity Patches by 8 203
MOBDIVIDUAL LIVE (classic Pre-Pandemic setup) Racks by 1 69
Double Knot, Plumbutter, Board Chirper - more dorking around You by 9 83
More bananas and upright You by 11 72
Dictaphone + Modular Sketch You by 4 22
Recent Project You by 8 163
Tuner Modules by 11 166
dream voicing rig? Racks by 12 215
Mutable Music Weasel. Racks by 8 212
Yes, another semi modular expansion. Need advice. Racks by 9 232
Help me arrange my rack, please. Racks by 5 245
Koyasan - New Module Experiment - Bloom and WMD PM You by 9 111
Incorporating Guitar w/ Your Modular Modular Discussions by 13 238
Strymon AA.1 Modules by 15 11522
Drexciya style sound - eurorack setup? Modular Discussions by 14 289
Oscillator Modules with Inharmonic Spectra? (Harmonic Shift Oscillator a good bet?) Modules by 21 515
Patch #1 Patches by 1 42
Nani Kore? You by 7 67
My first Modular - pls help Racks by 15 527
Visions from the future Racks by 4 111
DFAM-based 2x60HP Racks by 7 154
Some help needed with planning out a 7U system for IDM and Outsider House Racks by 7 136
Tips for my first dub processing rack Racks by 10 222
Mutable Instruments Beads and my low skill with an acoustic guitar You by 4 49
My Hydrasynth/Minibrute Eurorack Racks by 17 552
ALM S.B.G. - Bonus features Modules by 6 122
Patch020 & Patch021 You by 2 26
Modular Waves, featuring Plaits, Morphagene, Slide Guitar... and waves You by 7 68
Niftycase idea for ambient Racks by 15 414