Thread: 104HP 6U

Thanks Folks
The Synthrotek buffered mult seems to be good for the amount of HP. I think i'm gonna do some selling and re-evaluating as I feel I've got some modules that have different modes so they cant do stuff at the same time. I'm gonna downsize my Doepfer A111-2 to an A111-3, (its basically the same for what I use it for) and add a Doepfer A118 Noise and random. I'm thinking about getting a Batumi to modulate everything, and a Maths, primarily because i want more envelopes, but also because I keep being told im missing out if I don't get one (Hmmmm)

Also, I think I'm gonna ditch my Doepfer VCAs for another Veils as I find the mixing functions more useful. I was wondering if the Intelligel quad VCA would be better but I cant really see much difference...?

Any thoughts much appreciated