Yes, I have...however, the fact still remains that VCV doesn't have the ability to fully utilize the given resources in a typical pro-level DAW machine. Once you've hit the limit on the one core it's using, you're done. Period. While this might not be as severe an issue in a quad-core Intel running at a fast clock speed, if you're working with a major multicore setup for the sort of brute force it offers, VCV is pretty sad stuff when you start getting into sizable module counts, such as what you'd see with complex generative patching, etc. And I know quite a few pro-level users who've gone with the big multicore Xeon, etc setups because when you use something that is multicore-aware, that software becomes screamingly powerful and tends to outstrip quad-core much of the time.

Unless you run VCV. And with no clear indication if multiprocessing will ever be added (as is the case with pretty much ALL other pro-grade audio software), I'll stick with considering it to be a 'toy'.