I would have to respectfully disagree. IMO, running a site is not simply about building an environment where people can interact as they please; that is, if I can get away with it, then it is fair game. One would imagine that the site operator would create an environment where people would want to come visit and feel secure exchanging money and items. Mandating secure exchanges between users does not in anyway make ModularGrid liable for outcomes. In fact, providing a safe haven for con-artists and then throwing up your hands because the careless buyer did not see the con coming is far more legally hazardous. This is not about being a good or bad netizen either; it is about commerce and growing/maintaining a site. More buyers and sellers will participate in the market if there are protections in place–protections that ModularGrid has no role in providing or enforcing, which decreases the work load entailed in responding to user complaints, while potentially increasing traffic. PayPal and other services have provided an infrastructure to avoid these problems, and it is a solution that decreases rather than increases a buyer's risk, and decreases rather than increases the site's need to attend to these issues. A solution to a con that says, "Treat buyer's like adults and demand they be more discerning," is a solution with an unacceptable fail rate. If the site operator wants to limit rip-off artists from setting up camp in their market, requiring accountability is the way to go. Don't get me wrong, I am totally fine with things as they are. I've never had an issue, but if things are left as they are, then the site operator will continue to field emails and messages about the thieves and bad actors in our midst. If the this thread's purpose was to discuss changes to the status quo, then there is a solution.