... that brings the flexibility of a full-featured sequencer ...
-- FileTransferProtocol

This sequencer looks like a lot of fun!

But does it really have no reset CV-input, or am I missing something?
Wouldn't that mean it inevitably goes out of sync when restarting the master clock?

A demo video with drums or at least a metronome alongside some loops of other sequencers would be super interesting to see!

-- modular01

Thanks. So, you are correct in that there is no CV-based Reset but there are actually many different ways to reset on the fly. (Shift + Play, Shift + Current Playback Direction, Shift + Sequence Selection, etc...) The hardware is based on the Notcurne Alchemy Platform (This is a free firmware for it) that orginally was just a CV keyboard with a 1v/o out, and a gate out. Only two jacks to work with. The Arp Of Darkenss has the same limitation but people don't seem to mind with everything else that it does.

I'm still actively developing firmare for all of these modules (old and new) and the rest features that have been implemented so far came from user suggestions, so I always welcome feedback.

Also, on the videos above, both videos show it in action with drums, and the intro video it is plaing along with drums, and a second sequence playing in sync along with it on an Arp Of Darkness. There will be more videos to come as well. Hope that helps!