Power Supply (uZeus 4HP) specs:
+12V: 2000 mA
-12V: 500 mA
+5V: 170 mA

Doepfer basic VCO A-110-1 needs:
+12V: 90 mA
-12V: 20 mA
+5V: 0 mA

Moog Mavis needs:
+12V: 112 mA
-12V: 0 mA
+5V: 0 mA

you can simply sum up those numbers for each power line (+12V, -12V, +5V) and compare it with the numbers of your power supply. as a recommendation you should not exceed 75-80% of the given power supply

If those numbers are correct (please verify yourself) it is totally safe to use it for your 2 modules. Further you have a lot of headroom for more power hungry modules left...