i was mostly just thinking about live streaming and 1 take dawless play. i dont have any intention of treking anything anywhere. id say the cases are "main case" which has a full synth unit, a full drum computer, chop sampling if i want it, nifty touch points, and pams + op ned for ease. "bass case" which lets me program a 8 oscillator 4 demon core complex bass tone on a nerdseq, or other patchs, plus some nice effects modules, too. "performance case" that has the tukra and a rene, and a plethora of cv, and some more voices. and lastly the "sampling case" that, i believe, should let me have total control over 5 samples, plus any mixing i missed on any other case, plus some more trigger and live patching options, plus a bluebox to make recording extra convenient. i have a whole concept that there are 9 albums there in that 1600hp, and i imagine i could even travel with it if i absolutely had to, but i see it as purely a studio rig. i hope that clears up what my vision is. are you purely convinced this is too much? everything is out of my budget now. i just like to design things for fun. dont you think, if i work out all the bugs, that a system like this could make one even more creative? do you have any specific complaints or do you just think its just too much? peace out.