For wavetables I like the "4ms Spherical Wavetable Navigator". Adding a Joystick to this would be great.

it has 6 voices with chords implemented.

Do you have all the modules in the rack?
Which music genre do you focus?

own all these, and a few more
Genre is a tough one. I'm going to say whatever genre moderat is (IDM?). sometimes hip hop too.

With the other gear you seem to be very good set. Because of that:
If you not mainly in modular, maybe think about to only add some eurorack modules as utilities to compliment your grandmother and dfam. Just said, to save money.

i am not set on only modular, but am fascinated by the flexibility of it. I have some guitar pedals to throw in the mix, and over 600 VST/VSTi's. Which utilities to conplement the moogs?

do you need 2 maths?

No 😂 liked the black plate, then a few days later saw a silver-plated one for less than $170.

maybe less erica synths?

Yeah, I'm guilty of getting these early on liking the aesthetic. They're mostly fine, but am not a big fan, tbh

what about noise sources, distortion / saturation?

Would love a good analog saturation. Noise has been on my mind, almost pulled the plug on an SSF rainbow multiple times, but wanted to research more first

maybe some schlappi engineering stuff like interstellar radio, 100 grid or a Benjolin?

I like the Benjolin V2 for sound design. It has also a nice filter

a nebulae or morphagene for resampling, glitches and tape effects?

qu-bit Aurora combined with noise sources?

Befaco Noise Plethora = great noise source with analog filters.


Thanks for all the recommendations, will be looking into these. There's something about Qu-bit modules that's caused me to avoid in the past (having the chord v2). Words are escaping me to describe it.