yeah - can definitely go that way - a lot of the modulation can be shared which helps & I have a module *sensory translator) which takes audio input, splits it into frequency bands and then outputs envelopes per band...

Interesting module for sure!!!

iirc the EYESY is programmable using python scripts - so you can get much more out of it than the obvious... brightness etc can be controlled programatically or by adjusting the contrast/brightness on the screen

Unfortunately, I don't programme so the finer tweaks will be lost to me.

that one's almost definitely Lumen out fron MBP (in mono) then into LZX modular (the green looks like its the whole signal going through a doepfer a-116) and at some point it's going through the syntonie cbv01 - then out to a flat screen tv and rescanned using an iPhone

Thanks for sharing the process with me. Seems like a lot of work but the results are astounding! Looks very "analogue"!

I started listening to it last night...

It's an acquired taste! lol!