Those are great recommendations, thanks!

I'm looking at a bigger rack now (Mantis 2x 104 HP) that would also fit my Neutron, so my ideas may have changed a bit (see my latest sketch here.)

Check out BASTL Softpop 2 - It has so much features in little space. -
Also make noise 0-coast

I get what you're saying, but right now I don't really want a full "voice" module because one of my motivations was to be, well, modular with my setup. I might come back to one of those if I kick out my Neutron sometime in the future though =)

Did you check BASTL Ikarie? - also a nice filter with some tricks on it.

Will have a look, thanks.

If you get BASTL Basil, you can also switch the firmware to the pizza VCO.
BASTL Pizza has many stuff like FM and waveshaping/wavefolding.
Or get pizza first and try out the basil-firmware later.

Didn't realize it's the same module with different firmware, good to know! How does that work actually, does the Pizza use some DSP? Otherwise I don't see how waveshaping and delay could be done by the same circuit.

I have the ONA VCO. I like to mix the different waveforms with Befaco Percall.
You can also use it as LFO.

The Percall looks cool, and mixer + 4x decay sounds convenient too. With my Neutron I already have an LFO and 2 VCOs so there's no need for that right now. Are you satisfied with the ONA?

Ornament and Crime or Disting could also be an idea, to try out or to add different functions with little space.

Yes I'm thinking that too. Any opinion on Ornament&Crime vs. Marbles? I'm having some concerns about menu-diving on the O&C (also something I want to get away from with modular) so Marbles could be more fun for me. Were you able to try both at some point?