Hey folks, I'm currently running hemispheres in my o_C and I'm looking to install the benispheres firmware.

I've followed the instructions here: https://github.com/benirose/O_C-BenisphereSuite/releases

I've downloaded the Teensy loader, got the benispheres hex file I need, but I'm stuck at one part with getting the Teensy loader to work.

On this page: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader_mac.html it says "The Teensy Loader should appear as a small window. If the Teensy board is running the LED blink, or not connected, you should see this window."

This is where I'm stuck. The next part mentions "If HalfKay is running...." and I'm completely lost. I have no idea what HalfKay is and it seems without this, I can't get the Teensy loader into auto mode so I can load the hex file.

Anyone have any idea how to do this? Many thanks in advance!!