
Embarrassed to admit this is my second ever post, about my first ever module (which I will one day disclose its identity if it survives the ensuing...).

Asides from increasingly (one may say) dabbling in synths for the last year, I have been learning to play the drums for the previous 3 years. More recently, I've been attempting to make less unpleasant noises with my synth (i.e. my one single semi-modular), and my very recently acquired powered (and thankfully unconnected at the time of this incident) board, along with an (equally unconnected) first-ever module. Whilst practicing the drums, I accidentally knocked over a freshly-opened, pint-sized can of beer. Said can sadly projectiled an, again thankfully, smallish..yet considerable.. amount of foamy frothy beer such that it moderately lightly covered at least part of my truly cherished module... and to a smaller degree, also to the board I mentioned.

They were fairly quickly wiped off of any excess liquid and did not appear to... well, look any different. Curious if anyone can suggest any methods or strategies to minimize the odds of damage and/or mitigate my acute sense of... unwiseness? Would be greatly appreciated!