Hi All! I wanted to see if I can make something cool and "musical" with a bunch of sound sources and a single krell function. I really like how this came out.

This was a one take performance recording. Minor EQing and compression added to the final mix.

The basics here are that there is a single krell function coming from Maths and multed along with the End of Cycle gate. One gate goes to the Stochastic Inspiration Generator which is providing pitch information to four oscillators (Cloud Terrarium, Piston Honda, Elements, Brenso). One gate also goes to the Subharmonicon to drive its two internal sequencers. One gate goes to the gate input of Elements.

The Krell function is driving VCAs for the Cloud Terrarium and Piston Honda, but there is no VCA controlling amplitude for Brenso or Elements. The krell is also modulating the filter cutoff of Bionic Lester (for the Piston Honda).

All four channels of SIG are tuned to some variety of Dm (minor triad, minor 7th, minor pentatonic, etc. so each sound source will never play the same notes, but they do combine to make some very interesting chords.

CT and PH are set to "traditional" krell flowy/stabby sounds, Brenso is legato, but still somewhat abrupt, while Elements is plucky with a silky timbre. The Subharmonicon is mostly set to slow attack and medium release, but gets tweaked in the performance. SubH is quite subtle in this recording but fills a lot of sonic space with at least two of its oscillators always turned up and up to five of the six are dialed in at one point.

All kinds of modulation providing lots of movement throughout. I used Triple Sloths, Tides, Kermit, Ochd, Quadrax and Planar. Effects are from Mimeophon and Starlab. Sloths is modulating the Speed and Depth of the Starlab internal LFO which occasionally does very cool things.
